Kinder Kantorei

Kinder Kantorei


Shop By Age Games And Puzzles | Goliath Goliath Games Jumping Jack Game

 38.64  17.48

Spin the spinner to see how many carrots you get to pick from Jack's bunny hill. One of the carrots will make Jack jump, but it's a different carrot every time. If he jumps on your turn, you'll win if you catch him. Or, extra rule…


Artikelnummer: EDJ-592.WL629259 Kategorien: , Schlüsselworte: ,
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Spin the spinner to see how many carrots you get to pick from Jack's bunny hill. One of the carrots will make Jack jump, but it's a different carrot every time. If he jumps on your turn, you'll win if you catch him. Or, extra rules let every player try to catch him when he jumps.


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